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Membrane Pharmacy Structure DynamicsResearch group : Priv.Doz. Dr. Thomas NawrothNews |
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Teaching "BioAnalytics - Biophysical and Biochemical methods" at
TUM-Weihenstephan - Freising
- (9.-2002) At the Bio-Science Center WZW, Freising, which is a part
of the Technical University Munich, I teach Biophysics.for biologists at
the WZW-Physics Institute (E14, Prof. J.Friedrich). In the Winter semester
2002/2003 a lecture "Bioanalytics - Biophysical Anlytics" is given. This
includes the analytical characterization of proteins, nucleic acids, membranes
and lipids by biophysical and biochemical methods. The lecture follows
in part th book "Bioanalytik" of Lottspeich (Spektrum Verlag).
Teaching Biophysics for Biologists-2 "Basics of Structural Biology"
at TUM-Weihenstephan - Freising
- (4.-2002) At the Bio-Science Center WZW, Freising, which is a part
of the Technical University Munich, I teach Biophysics.for biologists at
the WZW-Physics Institute (E14, Prof. J.Friedrich). In the Summer semester
2002 a lecture "Biophysics for Biologists 2" is given. This includes: Structural
biology: spectroscopy (absorption, fluorescence), labeling, radiation biophysics,
basics of : Mößbauer spectroscopy, X-ray absorption, X-ray scattering,
Neutron scattering (solutions; SAXS, SANS)
Scientific Equipment of MPSD transfered to TUM
- (7-10.-2001) After long discussions, I got my scientific equipment,
which was obtained by my science funding (BMBF, DFG), from Mainz to Munich-Garching.
Thus the MPSD project becomes now fully operative again in protein purification
(HPLC, FPLC), time resolved scattering (SAXS, SANS), chemical synthesis
and model membranes.
Teaching Biophysics for Biologists-1 at TUM-Weihenstephan - Freising
- (6.-2001) At the Bio-Science Center WZW, Freising, which is a part
of the Technical University Munich, I start teaching Biophysics.for biologists
at the WZW-Physics Institute (E14, Prof. J.Friedrich). In the Wintersemester
2001/2002 a lecture "Biophysics for Biologists 1" is given. This includes:
Cells, membranes, transport accross membranes, potentials, basics of spectroscopy
(absorption, fluorescence), model membranes (monolayers, BLM, liposomes),
electron microscopy, microscopy techniques, labeling, FRAP
MPSD change to Munich TUM Physics-E17
- (1.4.-2001) After retirement of the former leader of the Biochemistry
institute at Mainz, Prof. Dose, I changed for research and teaching to
the technical university Munich TUM, Physics-Department-E17 (Lehrstuhl
Prof. Parak, Garching). At Garching I manage the Biochemistry and Genetics,
related to structure dynamics research at the E17-division. As far as possible,
the MPSD research is continued as my project at the E17-division (Lehrstuhl).
The teaching of membrane biochemistry and biophyscal chemistry at Mainz
is continued (Monday morning in the semester). The bioenergetics research
at Mainz is continued as a cooperation with apl.Prof. H.-J- Schaefer.
Updates of MPSD pages
- (5.12-2000) The following pages have been updated: "technnology"
and "time resolved methods"
- (11.2000) The structural film of molecular motions in working ATP-Synthase/F1ATPase
obtained with time resolved X-ray scattering (TR-SAXS) is has been updated.
The data and figures from direct experiments are complete. The multishot-(auto)correlation
and modelling follows after completion. Look at the topic
Structural biology scientific network
(20.5.2000) As a cooperation of several groups a scientific network
for structur research of biological systems is under development. As the
suggestion of the corresponding theme #2 in the german
BMBF structure research funding funding programme, the network is organized
by T. Nawroth, Gutenberg-University Mainz,
and R. Willumeit, GKSS, Geesthacht.
Special announcements of the funding programme are presented by the BMBF-BEO
divisions at DESY.HS
and at FZ-Jülich.
While anybody is free to apply for funding as he think it is useul, the
proposed network is a collaboration of groups experienced in structural
biology with common interests and technology. The network shall cover tight
cooperations and sharing of equipment and resources, e.g. common beam time
applications/ cooperation- experiments and long term projects (DESY/HASYLAB,
ESRF, ELETTRA, ILL etc.). Those collaborations have already been established.
e.g. in the study group "structure dynamics of
flexible protein domains". The proposed new network is organized in
three topics, each covering about 8 projects (status 19.5.2000), which
are organized by the given representatives:
"Structural biology - molecular motion and molecular complexes"
(BioDynamics) email to: BioMotion@MPSD.de
Topic A : "Molecular motion" (time resolved
synchrotron X-ray and neutron structure investigations); organizer: T.
Nawroth, Gutenberg-University Mainz
Topic B : "Molecular complexes" (contrast
techniques with neutrons and synchrotron X-ray radiation); organizer: R.
Willumeit, GKSS, Geesthacht
Topic C : "Intermediate states in biological
processes" (EXAFS / XAS synchrotron X-ray studies); organizer: G.
Henkel, Mercator-University, Duisburg
Activities: In phase1 (current) short project proposals are collected
and organized. In phase2 (mid June) a project leader meeting shall be organized
for preparation of the final applications. In phase3 (July) the common
network application with project short descriptions (1 page text + 1 page
data) shall be submitted to the BMBF-BEO divisions; in parallel the project
shall submit their special project application.
(4.12.2000) As a consequence of the extremely low amount of money available for structural biology the funding rate in the above BMBF-BEO field has droped down to about 25% ! Thus