Membrane Pharmacy Structure Dynamics 

Research group : Priv.Doz. Dr. Thomas Nawroth 

Structural Biology   

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Topics: Structure function relation, Overwiew, X-ray diffraction, Small angle scattering of solutions, EXAFS and XANES, Electron microscopy, Electron diffraction, Special techniques

Structure function relation

Fig.1: The description and manipulation of biological function requires three regimes of life sciences: Structural biology, Molecular genetics and Biochemistry or Biophysics (i.e. function analysis / enzymatics, isolation and purification of systems and protein chemistry)
The biological function of proteins, membranes, carbohydrates and nucleic acids depends on the molecular structure at several levels. The chemical structure (sequence of components) and the fold is determined by the genetic code. Nevertheless it is until now impossible to predict the structure of the biopolymers in a satisfying way, nor is it possible to describe the structure dynamics, e.g. molecular motion of flexible systems, e.g. bioenergetic proteins or molecular motors (muscle). Thus the structure of biological systems has to be examined experimentally with respect to the functional state. This is the subject of "Structural Biology", i.e. structure reseach at biological systems. As depicted in figure1, this is one one the three scientific regimes required for the description and manipulation of biological function, preferably in an interdisciplinary concept. As shown in the overwiew table, the techniques of structural biology differ in spatial resolution, restrictions of the status of the sample and in the acceptable heterogeneity of the specimen.

Overview of structural biology methods

imaging property
size of visual domain
homogenous sample required (isolation and purification)
restrictions of sample / specific preparation
time resolution for dynamics estimation possible
X-ray diffraction with monochromatic beam indirect 0.2 - 0.5 nm single molecule (20 nm) yes, 3D- crystals of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, 100 mg material well ordered 3D- crystals and metal derivatives or anomaouls scatterers incorporated (MAD phasing) restricted (flash photolysis), at high flux synchrotorns, e.g. ESRF - ID14 beamlines; ELETTRA - 5.1 beamline
X-ray Laue-diffraction with polychromatic beam indirect 0.2 - 0.5 nm single molecule (10 nm) yes, 3D- crystals of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, 100 mg material well ordered 3D- crystals and derivatives required; restricted to small proteins of high scattering power yes, e.g. ESRF - ID beamline
SAXS, small amgle X-ray scattering;

ASAXS, anomalous small amgle X-ray scattering

no, only by molecular modelling 1 nm single particle or cluster (500 nm) yes, solution of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, 1-10 mg material no, but purified, structural homogenous protein required;
domain differentiation in complexes by metal labeling possible
yes, TR-SAXS by rapid mixing (stopped flow technique) or flash photolysis (caged compounds, chromoproteins) at high flux synchrotrons, e.g. ESRF - ID2A, ID1, ID13 beamlines; ELETTRA - SAXS (5.2)
SANS, small amgle neutron scattering no, only by molecular modelling 1 nm single particle or cluster, membranes (2000 nm) yes, solution of highly purified, structural homogenous protein or membranes, 5-50 mg material no, but purified, structural homogenous protein required; 
domain differentiation in complexes by specific deuteration or spin labeling possible
yes, TR-SANS at high flux neutron sources, e.g. ILL - D22 , D11 beamlines
inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering, TOF no, only by molecular modelling (1 nm) single domains in proteins or clusters, membranes yes, solution or crystal of highly purified, structural homogenous protein or membranes, 10-100 mg material no, but purified, structural homogenous material required; 
domain differentiation in complexes by specific deuteration or spin labeling possible
yes, TOF experiments at high flux neutron sources, e.g. ILL - D22 and several other beamlines
Neutron diffraction indirect 0.3 - 0.5 nm single molecule (20 nm) yes, 3D- crystals of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, some 100 mg material well ordered 3D- crystals and deuterium derivative(contrast phasing) no; method available only at high flux neutron sources, e.g. ILL
EXAFS and XANES indirect, only by molecular modelling 0.001 nm 0.5 nm, environment of metal center restricted, some 100 mg material sample should be homogenous in metal centers yes, at high flux synchrotorns, e.g. at  ESRF - beamlines ID26 (scanning), ID24 (energy dispersive) 
2D/3D- NMR  indirect from NOE's and angles 0.4 nm single molecule (10 nm) yes, solution of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, 100 mg material 13C- and 15N-derivatives required; restricted to small proteins (< 40,000 mass  with 800 MHz-NMR) no, until now only by simulation of protein flexibility
FT-IR no, only by molecular modelling only in labeled domains single molecule (20 nm) yes, solution of highly purified, structural homogenous protein, 100 mg material 13C- derivatives required; site specific isotope labeling yes
microscopy (light) yes 500 nm ( = light wavelength) micrometer no thin solid sample / cut yes, video microscopy
fluorescence microscopy (light) yes < 500 nm (light wavelength) micrometer no fluorescence labeling, thin solid sample / cut yes, video microscopy
laser scanning microscopy yes 150 nm ( = 1/4 wavelength) micrometer no thin solid sample / cut restricted
confocal laser microscopy indirect, modelling 1-2 nm (chromophore) single molecule (20 nm) yes single molecule is held in the focus of a laser, radiation demage risk yes
electron microscopy, negative stain technique yes 2 - 3 nm 0,1 - 10 micrometer no stain with heavy element, may produce artefacts with membranes and flexible proteins no
electron microscopy, freeze fracture technique yes, indirect 2 - 3 nm 0,1 - 10 micrometer no rapid freezing (vitrification) and subsequent cut and metal sputtering in vacuuum restricted, by time resolved freezing of the samples
electron diffraction (2D-crystallography) indirect 0.3 - 1 nm single molecule (20 nm) yes, 2D- membrane protein crystals 2D- crystals of vaccum stable sample derivative required no
AFM , atomic force microscopy indirect 1-2 nm 0,1 - 10 micrometer no solid sample with rigid surface required no
Photoaffinity labeling, Photoaffinity crosslinking no 0,5 nm group distance 1-5 nm in single particle or cluster, membranes recommended for unambigous results molecule must have a few reactive groups at surface yes, but not usual; by flash photochemistry
MD , molecular dynamics structure simulation by theory < 0.1 nm single molecule (10 nm) - (theory) restricted to small moleules and short times (picoseconds) yes, may be improved, if more experimental data on molecular motion become available

X-ray diffraction

Small angle scattering of solutions


Electron microscopy

Electron diffraction

Special techniques

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