Membrane Pharmacy Structure Dynamics 

Research group : Priv.Doz. Dr. Thomas Nawroth 

Synchrotron radiation   

Contents              [ Impressum-Disclaimer ]

X-ray scattering and absorption
X-ray sources
    X-ray tubes, rotating anode
    Free electron laser FEL
X-ray instruments
X-ray detectors


X-ray radiation is superior for the structure investigation of macromolecules, e.g. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, polymers and complex materials in solution and, if available, in the crystallinic state. The X-ray photons interact mainly with the electrons of the sample, which are mostly contributed by carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur etc.. Thus the hydrogen atoms contribute only scarcely to the signal X-ray, in contrast to neutron scattering. Generally X-ray photons are required in structural biology and polymer science for:
1.  structure estimation of crystallized proteins with a monochromatic beam (X-ray diffraction); atomar resolution (0.1-0.3 nm); static
2.  structure investigation of protein or polymer solutions with 1 nm resolution by X-ray small angle scattering (SAXS); resolution 1 nm, static comparing
3.  estimation of molecular motion in protein or polymer solutions by time-resolved X-ray small angle scattering (TR-SAXS); resolution 1 nm; dynamic
4.  structure estimation of crystallized small proteins with a polychromatic beam (Laue diffraction); atomar resolution (0.1-0.3 nm); static
5.  estimation of molecular motion in crystals of small proteins by time-resolved polychromatic beam diffraction (TR-Laue diffraction); atomar resolution (0.1-0.3 nm); dynamic
6.  precise estimation of ligand distances and motion in metal proteins and complexes by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS, TR-EXAFS); subatomar resolution (0.001 nm); range 0.5 nm; static or dynamic
7.  estimation of the distribution of special elements (metals, sulfur, phosphorus, halogens) in proteins by energy dependent (anomalous) X-ray scattering and diffraction (ASAXS, TR-ASAXS, MAD)

X-ray scattering and absorption

X-ray sources

X-ray tubes, rotating anode




Free electron laser FEL


X-ray instruments

X-ray detectors

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